Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bath Time and Book Time

                                Garrett loves bath time.                                   Peekaboo

Reading a book and watching cartoons on his new couch.

 He loves his books.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Catching up on our life

Most of you have been keeping up with us on our other website -  I will be closing this website soon.  Just to catch you up, we are having a great Fall season.  Garrett will be 16 months old next week.  He is growing so fast.  He is walking everywhere now and there is no stopping him.  He's learned to give kisses and likes to say, "uh-oh!".  He loves to eat and loves to sleep and brings us so much joy everyday.  Hope you enjoy our blog and I will try and update often.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We are Bloggers!!

I finally did it!  I created a Blog.  Now being a little shy with trying new things technology-wise, I've been a little apprehensive about it but I bit the bullet tonight and here we are.  I hope you can follow us a little better on here than on Garrett's baby website.  It may take me a little while to learn everything and get used to this so just bare with me and Enjoy!