Saturday, February 26, 2011

19 months old!

Garrett was 19 months old last Thursday, the 17th!  Time is flying so fast.  In the past month, 2 more teeth started coming in.  This is very good news to us since his teeth have been coming in very slowly and he only has his front teeth right now.  He has also started saying "Thank You", which is so cute.  Of course his version is "Da-chu".  But he says it when he's supposed too.  He is so sweet and so smart and we are just amazed by him everyday.  He also reached another milestone.  Wednesday night he stayed in the nursery at church and didn't cry.  This is also great news because he is very clingy to Mommy and Daddy and doesn't like staying with anyone else, unless he's at home.  He continues to amaze us everyday with new things he does or says.  This morning, I had a small heater on in the living room and he walked over and squatted down in front of it and said, "Hot!".  He's so smart.  Here are some new pictures taken in the past couple of months.

Playing in the leaves at Nay-Nay's house

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